
  • Our research article was accepted from Science Advances (Feb. 2025).
  • Our method paper was published in Methods Mol Biol (Jan. 2025).
  • Our research article about extracellular vesicles for biomarkers of autism was published in Frontiers.
  • Our cholesterol review article is highlighted in Medical News Today, which is the UK-based medical news platform (Aug. 2024).
  • Our review article was published in Exp Mol Med (Aug. 2024).
  • Yongsoo was invited as a seminar speaker in the Interdisciplinary Program in Brain Science, Seoul National University (30 May. 2024).
  • ACS Nano article was selected as a supplementary Cover (May. 2024).
  • Our review article accepted from Experimental and Molecular Medicine (April. 2024)!!
  • Our ACS Nano paper accepted (April. 2024)!!
  • We are awarded the Academic Research Grant (ARG), Cycle 1 (Nov. 2023).
  • Yongsoo presented in the CHLS research seminar, Qatar (18 Oct. 2023).
  • Yongsoo gave a presentation in a virtual seminar at Korea University, South Korea (20 Sep. 2023).
  • Dr. Yongsoo Park’s interview with Al Jazeera to highlight our research achievement for the cholesterol role on neurological diseases (Aug. 2023).
  • Our research achievement was published in the Gulf Times, a prominent newspaper in the region, and received positive feedback from the scientific community and the general public (Aug. 2023).
  • Dr. Yongsoo Park has joined the International Advisory Board of the International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology (ISCCB) as a member (2023). The ISCCB starting from 1982 is a scientific community that explores stress response, neuromodulation, and neurodegeneration, holding a conference every two years since 1982. The conference covers a wide range of topics, such as chromaffin cells, exo/endocytosis, synaptic transmission, vesicle fusion and mechanisms, ion channels, and innovative techniques in neurons, as well as in vitro and computational studies.
  • Our paper is accepted from Molecular Neurobiology (Aug. 2023). Congratulations, Shin!
  • Our article was selected as a Frontispiece in Advanced Science (2023).
  • Good news! Our paper is accepted in Advanced Science (March. 2023).
  • Our paper is accepted from the Scientific Reports (Dec. 2022). Congratulations, Houda!
  • We are awarded the HBKU Thematic Research Grant Cycle 2 (Dec. 2022).
  • Our abstract was selected for oral presentation in the Precision Medicine and Functional Genomics 2022 conference, Sidra Medicine, Qatar (25 Sep. 2022).
  • We were awarded the Best faculty/researcher poster award, second place, in the 1st HBKU Research Day (7 Sep. 2022). Thanks for your hard work!
  • Yongsoo gave a talk in the CHLS Research Seminar, HBKU, Qatar (31 Aug. 2022).
  • Yongsoo was an invited speaker in 21st International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology (ISCCB), Hamburg, Germany (7-12 July 2022).
  • Welcome Nasra Aden! She joined our lab as a Summer Research Program student (May-July 2022).
  • Yongsoo was an invited speaker in the 1st Neuro Research Symposium, Qatar university (12 May 2022).
  • Our paper is accepted from the Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience (March 2022).
  • Yongsoo gave a talk in the Biophysics of the Brain Conference, Switzerland  (01-02 March 2022).
  • Our collaborative work with Dr. Genc group is accepted for publication (2022).
  • Yelda got a faculty position at the Medical Biochemistry Department of Medicine at Istinye University, Turkey (2021)!! Big Congratulations on your new job!!
  • Kyung Chul is volunteering for COVID-19 test (June-July. 2020). Thanks for your contribution and commitment.
  • Our paper is published in the Scientific Reports (May. 05. 2020). Congratulations, Yelda!
  • Houda Moussa  joined the lab as a Research Associate (Feb. 2020). Welcome Houda!!
  • Dr. Yongsoo Park got a media interview (Feb. 2020).
  • Dr. Kyung Chul Shin joined the lab as a post-doc (Jan. 2020). Welcome to Qatar!!
  • Lab relocation: moving our lab to Qatar Biomedical Research Institute (QBRI), Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) in Education City, Qatar (Sep. 2019).
  • Our collaboration got published in Biophys. J in Jan, 2019.
  • Our paper is accepted in FEBS Lett in July, 2018.
  • Yongsoo co-organizes EMBO Sectoral Meeting on Lipid Biology, Heidelberg, Germany (23-24 April 2018).
  • Invited speaker in the Molecular Biology and Genetics Weekend, Boğaziçi University, Turkey (07 April 2018).
  • Yongsoo co-organizes EMBO Workshop: Exocytosis and endocytosis: From synaptic vesicles to nanodiscs (16 – 20 Jan 2018, Spain).
  • !!!New postdoc, Yelda, join Yongsoo Lab.
  • Invited speaker in International Yeditepe University Genetics and Bioengineering Student Congress, Turkey (10 Feb 2018)
  • Our paper is accepted in Front Endocrinol. in Dec. 2017.
  • Invited speaker in the 7th Asian Symposium on Plant Lipid, Taiwan (Nov. 2017)
  • Invited speaker in XV. National Congress of Medical Biology and Genetics, Turkey (Oct. 2017)
  • Session Chair in 5th International BAU Drug Design Congress, Turkey (Oct. 2017)
  • Invited speaker in 5th International BAU Drug Design Congress, Turkey (Oct. 2017)
  • Seminar at Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey (Oct. 2017).
  • Invited speaker in 42nd Symposium of the Society of – Neuroendocrinology, France (Sep. 2017)
  • Invited speaker in 3rd BiKiE Symposium, London, UK (Sep. 2017)
  • Invited speaker in 5th International Congress of the Molecular Biology Association of Turkey (Sep. 2017).
  • Invited speaker in 19th International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology, Sheffield, UK (Aug. 2017).
  • Our research article is accepted in Sci Rep. in March, 2017.
  • Seminar at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey (Mar. 2017).
  • Seminar at UCL, London, UK (Oct. 2016).
  • Seminar at KIST, South Korea (Aug. 2016).
  • Seminar at POSTECH, Division of Integrative Biosciences and Biotechnology, Korea (July. 2016).
  • Seminar at DGIST, Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Korea (June. 2016).
  • !!!!Congratulations on Alican and Ramazan for successfully defending master’s thesis (June. 2016)!!!
  • Invited speaker in the 14th Turkish National Congress of Neuroscience, Ankara, Turkey (May. 2016).
  • EMBO Young Investigator Meeting 2016, Heidelberg, Germany (May. 2016).
  • Speaker in Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting, Exocytosis & Endocytosis Subgroup Symposium, LA, USA (Feb. 2016).